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Added: 21 new hacks
Note: Unbolded hacks are available in the previous version
Hacks (in game type help or the symbol before the dash [ie: for scaffold type "scaffold"]):

cy - teleport on the y axis
cz - teleport on the z axis
cx - teleport on the x axis
scaffold - places blocks under you (creative only, skip to 3.0 for all gamemode scaffold)
stopscaffold - stops scaffold
kit - gives you full diamond armor & tools.
food - gives you 16 steak.
deez - nutz
gmc - switches gamemode to creative
gms - switched gamemode to survival
give (item) (amount) - gives you any item requested
portal - gives you supplies to make a nether portal
fastbreak - break blocks 2.5x faster 
speedhack - move 2.5x faster
water-br. - breath underwater!
explode - blow up anything and anyone.
nuker - mine big & fast
nukeroff - turns off nuker
autobase - automatically builds a base for you.
one-shot - one shot anything!
bedrock - gives you 64 bedrock
panic - turns off all hacks
fullbright - see in the dark.
MassTP - Teleports everyone to you
NoDMG - Take no damage
autopp - automatically builds a for you
autofloor - automatically builds a floor for you
autowall - automatically builds a wall for you
NoDMGLegit - take reduced damage
Autobase+ - automatically builds a obsidian base
Autobase++ - automatically builds a bedrock base
NoFire/NoFireoff - take no fire damage/turns off NoFire.
CircleNuker/CircleNukeroff - nuker but a circle/turns off circlenuker.
Richcircle/Richsphere - impress your friends or anyone with your wealthyness.
r.kit - gives you all the redstone items there are.
t.kit - gives you all the trapping items there are.
widescaffold/widescaffoldoff - scaffold but 9x wider/turns off widescaffold.
c.kit - gives you all the items needed to mlg, perfect for clutching.
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